End of An Era

It is with a mixture of regret and relief that my term as Chairman of the New York State Bar Association Corporation Counsel came to a peaceful conclusion in late January. Service in this capacity in our humble little Section of over 1,500 members, is customarily limited to one 1-year term, and twelve months seemed both too short a time to do everything I wanted, and far too burdensome a commitment for any one person to bear! That said, I truly enjoyed working with all my colleagues, who were encouraging and energetic, kindly offering me able assistance and a good word when needed.
I am proud that during my term we updated our website, filling it with more information and enabling members to communicate with each other via a public forum, resurrected our pro-bono committee, held a joint event with the NYSBA Business Law Section in Albany, bringing NYC and Capitol Region folks together, as well as members from our two kindred sections, sponsored a CLE with the NYSBA International Law Section (and Ethical Systems) involving bringing into fruition more ethical corporate cultures, and many other great things. Thank you all for your help and comradeship during this very special time for me.