Jan 17, 2020
Having Difficulty Getting Paid?
Does a business owe you money? Sick of chasing people? Our contingency based (risk free, no fee up front) debt collection services will maxi

Nov 17, 2019
Can You Avoid E-Commerce Sales Tax?
Remember the good old days when you used to be able to avoid your state’s sale tax by purchasing stuff through over the Internet? What...

Sep 18, 2019
Trademark Trial & Appeal Board: What Is It?
Introduction What is the secret shadow court where rejected and contested trademark claims go? Who comprises this mysterious body? And...

Jul 17, 2019
How Do I Deal with Late Payments & Deadbeats? Part II
Last month we talked about how to approach a collections situation where you worked very hard for someone else, providing them everything...

Jun 17, 2019
How Do I Deal with Late Payments & Deadbeats? Part I
Introduction So, you’re a talented entrepreneur, consultant or small business owner. You provided a great deal of services or products to...

Mar 17, 2019
Swimming with the (Real Estate) Sharks
Networking at the Red NYC event on March 5, 2019. REDinNYC is a networking event series dedicated to connecting, supporting and promoting...

Jan 18, 2019
Does My Contract Protect Me II
Introduction In the last article we discussed how indemnification clauses in contracts seek to protect one party from damages caused by...

Dec 17, 2018
Does My Contract Protect Me?
Introduction Properly drafting contracts can help avoid misunderstandings, ensure prompt payments and cover your losses if something...

Nov 17, 2018
5 Differences Representing Small and Large Clients
Introduction I decided to write this piece because the last few years have taught me quite a lot about representing the “common”...

Oct 17, 2018
Boilerplate Lingo in Contracts
Introduction Previous articles of mine dealt with “must-have” provisions in contracts. However, ever wonder what some of the boring...