Jun 17, 2017
Warranties and You Part I: Implied Warranties
Ever walk into a store with a pressing need (say a cool breeze on a hot summer night) and walk with out the perfect solution (for...
May 17, 2017
Is a Verbal Contract Legally Binding?
Would a rose by any other name, smell just as sweet?[1] How about a contract? When is a contract a contract, and when is it not? When you...
Aug 17, 2016
Common Clauses in New York State Contracts and What They Mean, Part V
This is the fifth installment in the series of articles dedicated to the types of standard clauses you likely will find with New York...
Jul 17, 2016
Common Clauses in New York State Contracts and What They Mean, Part IV
This is the fourth installment in the series of articles dedicated to the types of standard clauses you likely will find with New York...
Jan 17, 2016
How Greedy Can You Be In a Penalty?
Ever sign a contract where the penalty provisions for being a little bit late seemed somewhat high? Compared to the amount owed, perhaps...
Nov 17, 2015
Common Clauses in New York State Contracts and What They Mean, Part III
This is the third installment in the series of articles dedicated to the types of clauses you likely will find with New York State...
Sep 17, 2015
Common Clauses in New York State Contracts and What They Mean Part II
This is the second installment in the series of articles dedicated to the types of clauses you will likely find with New York State...
Aug 18, 2015
New York State Contracts: Common Clauses and What They Mean Part I
The State is a buying behemoth, purchasing everything from paper clips to computers, brimming with opportunity for merchants and...
Aug 18, 2015
Is a Handshake a Legally Binding Contract?
You’re a software developer. You have an awesome product. But your potential client is having trouble with some of the terms: maybe...