- Sep 18, 2018
Non Profits: The Three Duties
Some general basics to keeping your nonprofit legally squeaky clean! Disclaimer: The following information does NOT constitute legal...
- May 17, 2017
Honored to Meet, Katalin Bogyay, Hungarian Ambassador to the United Nations @The Foreign Press Assoc
A beautiful Friday with Hungarian Ambassador to the United Nations, Katalin Bogyay (to my left, your right), at the Foreign Press...
- Feb 17, 2017
Non-Profit Nuances III: How to Create a Not for Profit Corporation
So, it’s Spring, the season of renewal.[1] Winter’s chill begins to give way to the warming embrace of new beginnings, much like our New...
- Jan 17, 2017
The Need for Small Business Pro-Bono
(Originally published in the NY Law Journal, in my role as Chairman of the New York State Bar Association Corporate Counsel Section see...
- Jun 17, 2016
Non-Profit Nuances II: COIs & RPTs
"It is better to give than to deceive." - IRS In our last article together we discussed three the duties of "Care, Loyalty and Obedience"...
- May 18, 2016
Non-Profit Nuances I: The Three Duties Care, Loyalty and Obedience
"A good deed is not just a duty, but above all, a privilege." - Shari Arison I thought I would take a break from my series on litigation...